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TAX questions


Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Will the 2% compensation for the late refund of tax overpaid be computed and processed by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (HASiL) automatically or do I have to make an application for it to be processed?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am an employee who submits Form BE annually. This year, I received a 2% compensation for the late refund of my overpaid tax from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (HASiL). Should I report this income in my Form BE?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am earning business income and paying tax instalment payments via Form CP500. At the same time, I am also a part-time agent who sells insurance. Is my commission income subject to the 2% withholding tax provision?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am an employee of an insurance company and receive commissions from the company. Is my employment income subject to the 2% withholding tax provision?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Due to my father's special medical needs, I have to purchase adult diapers for him. Can I claim this expense under the medical tax relief for parents?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If my child is 18 years old and has opened a National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) account in her own name, can I, as a parent, still be entitled to personal tax relief for the net deposit in the National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) account?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My child is already 28 years old and is working. I am still depositing into my child’s National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) account registered under my name. Can I still claim tax relief for the net amount deposited? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have made a mandatory contribution of RM5,000 to the EPF and an additional voluntary contribution of RM4,000 to the EPF. How much can I claim for tax relief on these EPF contributions?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: What is a real property company (RPC)?  

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I disposed of shares in a company. Is the gain subject to capital gains tax (CGT)?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the registration fee for a marathon eligible for lifestyle tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If my father's operation fee is RM20,000 and I have claimed RM8,000 under the parent’s medical expenses tax relief, can my brother also claim RM8,000 under his parent’s medical expenses tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I enrol my child for swimming classes, can the fee be claimed under the lifestyle tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can I claim yoga class fee under the lifestyle tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I was diagnosed with cancer and chose to undergo Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment provided by a TCM practitioner. Can I claim tax relief on the expenses incurred?   

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I suspect that I am suffering from depression, so I went for a mental health examination. Can I claim tax relief on the expenses incurred?   

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I incurred expenses for my dental examination in February 2024. Can I claim my dental examination and treatment expenses for tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I paid for my mother’s complete medical examination expenses in January 2024. Am I eligible to claim tax relief?   

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Previously, my wife and I were taxed under separate assessment. This year, my wife will elect to have our total income aggregated in a combined assessment under my name because we find it beneficial in terms of lower tax liability. What should be filled in the 'type of assessment' section in her income tax return form?   

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I paid for my mother-in-law’s medical expenses. Am I eligible to claim tax relief of up to RM8,000 for her medical treatment under the category of parents' medical expenses?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am a single parent. Are my children eligible to claim the tax relief of up to RM8,000 for my medical treatment expenses, or are they only eligible to claim up to RM4,000?  

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I work as a car maintenance technician. I have enrolled in a course to enhance my skills. May I ask if the fees for the car maintenance course are eligible for tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am a partner of a partnership business, how should I report the income I received from the partnership?  

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am an employee of one company and an agent appointed by an insurance company. I receive salary from the former and commissions from the latter. Do I need to declare my income separately in Form BE and Form B, or I can combine both incomes in one form. If I can combine, should I use Form BE or Form B? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I have revised my CP500 instalments, would there be any penalty for underestimating the revised tax payable? 


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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am earning business income and paying tax in advance via CP500. If I predict that my business will run into a loss, can I revise my CP500 instalments? 


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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am an employee of a company. I also work as a part-time e-hailing driver. Are my car expenses eligible for tax deduction?


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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My mother was hospitalised for examination and treatment of a bacterial infection caused by a fall injury. May I ask if these medical expenses are eligible for tax relief?


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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can I claim tax relief on my medical expenses for colds, flu, or fever?


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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My wife does not need to file income tax return as she has no income, but the medical insurance policy for our daughter was purchased by her. As her husband, can I still qualify for tax relief?


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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have deposited some money into the National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) for my children’s education, but I have also withdrawn part of the deposited money during the year. Can I claim tax relief based on the amount deposited?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have given birth to a child in the year 2022, and another child in the year 2023. Hence, I have purchased breastfeeding equipment in both years. Can I claim tax relief for the purchase of breastfeeding equipment for each year?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I pay for my wife’s education fee because she is not working. Is the education fee paid for my wife eligible for claiming tax relief in my tax return?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can I claim tax relief for my car insurance expenses?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My employer allows me to use a company car and allows me to claim all petrol expenses from the company. How much benefit in kind (BIK) should my employer declare in my Form EA and should the annual prescribed benefit of petrol be included?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My income tax liability is borne by my employer. Is that required to be reported in the Form EA?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I live in a hotel accommodation provided by my employer. What is the value of living accommodation required to be reported in my Form EA?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I receive a childcare allowance of RM5,000 from my employer every year. Is this allowance subject to income tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is there an age limit for children for the parents to claim tax relief on the education/medical insurance purchased for their children?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Do compensation and gratuities that are tax-exempt need to be reported in Form EA? If yes, do they need to be included in Part F of the Form EA?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the medical allowance given to staff need to be recorded in the staff's Form EA?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can the meal allowance provided by the company for staff when they go for business trips be tax-exempt for the staff?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: In the PERKESO field of Form EA, should we include only the SOCSO portion?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is meal allowance subject to monthly tax deduction (MTD)?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: When an employee resigns from the company, what should the employer do to inform the Inland Revenue Board?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: When preparing the Forms EA, some employees have already resigned. Do we still need to prepare a Form EA for them?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: As an employer of a private limited company, do I still need to submit Form E if the company has no employees?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Do employers need to prepare Form EA for the owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a freelancer claims back expenses incurred by him from his customer, are these claims taxable?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Does a company need to furnish Form EA to an intern who undergoes internship programme and only receives internship allowance?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the employer contributes 20% of the employee’s salary into EPF as the employer’s portion, is the whole contribution amount tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is retirement gratuity received taxable?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I send my part time staff for training or convention, can the expenses incurred be tax deductible?  

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I give an incentive in kind such as products to my appointed agent, do I have to include this into the Form CP58 for the agent?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: On the stamp duty exemption for first time home buyer, if the property is purchased under joint ownership, must all the co-owners be a first time home buyer? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: There is a once-in-a-lifetime Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) exemption for individuals who is a citizen or permanent resident of Malaysia who disposes of a residential property. If this property is jointly owned by 2 persons, must both the owners have not used this exemption to enjoy this? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is key man insurance purchased under the name of a director tax deductible for the company?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is wedding gift for staff considered as an entertainment for staff, and is the expense incurred tax deductible for the company? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is payment of commission to a non-resident individual sales agent subject to withholding tax? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If we rent out our shop lot for only 5 months, are we able to claim the interest expenses on loan for the whole year as a direct expense against the rental income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are the maintenance fee and sinking fund incurred for a property rented out deductible against the rental income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Would transferring of properties to family members subject to Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT)?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Do I need to pay stamp duty when transferring properties to family members?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the company sends its staff to overseas for a study trip, are the travelling expenses incurred tax deductible? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the fee incurred for congratulatory advertisement with company’s name tax deductible? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I give away samples of my company’s product to potential customers, are the samples tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the electric vehicle (EV) does not belong to me but I have incurred expenses on the purchase and installation of charging facility, am I eligible to claim tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is fixed deposit interest received by an association taxable? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are the treatment expenses for autism kids eligible for tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: As a stepfather, can I claim child relief for my stepchild? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I enrol my child for swimming classes, can the fee be claimed under the lifestyle relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is MRI scan eligible for claiming personal tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I was diagnosed with cancer and have recovered from it. Is the follow-up medical check-up on whether the cancer recurs is eligible for claiming personal tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I go for a medical check-up to detect on whether I have cancer or not, is the medical check-up fee eligible for personal tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Do retirees need to pay income tax on rental income if this is his sole income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a Malaysian company’s paid-up capital is not more than RM2.5 million and its annual gross business income is not more than RM50 million, but is 100% owned by foreigners who are permanent residents of Malaysia, will the company still enjoy the preferential tax rates of 15% and 17%? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is pilates class monthly package eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: A house is purchased under director’s name but instalment payments are made by the company. Are the instalment payments tax deductible to the company? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Under the Special Voluntary Disclosure Program (SVDP) 2.0, if a person has not submitted his income tax return form from the years of assessment 2018 to 2021, can he only declare his income using the  SVDP additional income reporting form instead of submitting income tax return?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I have inherited a property according to a will, do I have to pay stamp duty for the property inherited?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I employ a foreigner as staff, is his salary subject to monthly tax deduction (MTD)? Do I need to provide Form EA to him?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company purchases used equipment for staff welfare such as gym equipment and electrical appliances at pantry, can the company claim capital allowance on these used equipment? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I need to incur costs to restore the rented business premises back to its original condition upon returning the premises to the landlord, are these costs tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If my brother transfers his income earned overseas to my Malaysia’s bank account to support our parents’ expenses, is the money received taxable in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If we incur marketing and advertising costs for an overseas event, and the expenses are paid to a foreign company, are these expenses subject to withholding tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is there a limit to the tax deductible amount that you can claim on entertainment to staff or client?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is income earned from online businesses considered as foreign sourced income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are overseas trip expenses incurred by a company for joining business convention entitled for 100% tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: A company has incurred RM20,000 for overseas annual company trip expenses on meals, accommodation and recreation. However, staff need to buy the air tickets on their own. Is the RM20,000 tax deductible for the company?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: There is a family-owned company where all the staff are family members. If the company organises a company trip for all the staff who are family members, can the company get a full tax deduction for the company trip expenses? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I only earn employment income, but I have accidentally used Form B to file my income tax. Is this acceptable?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am earning business income, but I have accidentally used the wrong income tax return form (Form BE) to file my income tax. What should I do?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company spends money on beautifying the company’s environment by constructing a pond, is this expense eligible for tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Our company has made some capital gains overseas and has paid tax for the gains in that country. Do we still need to pay tax in Malaysia if our company brings the money back to Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have retired, and I am transferring my money in Singapore’s CPF account back to Malaysia. Will this money be taxed in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the foreign sourced income is not brought into Malaysia, but has been spent via payment instrument such credit card, is this income taxable in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a Malaysian company receives interest income from overseas bank which is then remitted back to Malaysia, is this interest income subject to tax in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If an individual resident receives interest income from overseas bank which is then brought back to Malaysia, is this interest income subject to tax in Malaysia? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am a freelancer and have been providing service overseas on a contract basis. If the money earned, after deducting tax overseas is brought back to Malaysia, is this money still subject to tax in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I receive overseas dividend in Malaysia which has been subjected to withholding tax, is this dividend still taxable in Malaysia? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I transfer back the profit made from share investment overseas, will it be subjected to tax in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have worked in Australia for the past 10 years and have been paying tax to the Australia government. Now I want to come back to Malaysia and transfer my money back. Is the money transferred subjected to tax in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My business operation is in Malaysia. I receive money from my overseas customer deposited into my overseas account. I will then transfer the money into my Malaysia account once every 6 months. Is this considered as a foreign sourced income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I work for a company in Malaysia who is a subsidiary of a Hong Kong company. If the parent company in Hong Kong pays me a special bonus in USD, is this taxable in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have a savings account in a bank outside Malaysia. Do I have to declare this in my income tax return form? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My tax payable is nil. Will I be penalised if I submit my income tax return late? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am a retiree, and only earn a rental income of RM1,200 per month. If my rental income is below the taxable threshold, do I still need to file an income tax return?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I have already paid off my outstanding tax, but the immigration system still shows a travel ban on me, what should I do?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: How many years can a company carry forward its business loss? The company incurs business loss in the first, second, and third year, but manages to generate profit in the fourth year. What is the tax treatment for the losses incurred?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Our company pays medical allowances to staff, say RM45.00 per medical bill. Does this allowance need to be declared in the staff's Form EA?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My company is renting a room in my house as office. The rental includes electricity and water charges. Is the rental tax deductible for the company?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am renting out a room in my house to my company as home office. Can I deduct the loan interest, maintenance fee, etc. against my rental income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I have registered a seller account on e-commerce platforms (e.g. Shopee, Lazada, etc.), do I need to declare this in my income tax return form?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I employ a full time senior citizen who is 60 years old or above, what kind of tax incentive am I eligible to claim?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Does parking rental fee in office building claimed by employees monthly need to be declared in Form EA? If yes, is this tax exempted?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is transfer of properties between siblings subject to stamp duty?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Do I need to pay stamp duty if I buy my first property?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the commission received from MLM subject to tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the monthly medical fee for high blood pressure check-up and medication eligible for claiming tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can I claim tax relief for the cost of laser vision correction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the insurance purchased overseas eligible for claiming personal tax relief? How to determine the exchange rate?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Jessica has taken the HPV vaccination. Is the cost of this vaccination eligible for tax deduction in her husband’s income tax return?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the purchase of treadmill eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the purchase of phone charger eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the dinner is only attended by two owners of the company, would the dinner expenditure be eligible for 100% tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the purchase of sports shoes eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: After being terminated from employment, do I still need to file my annual income tax return to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB)? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I am working remotely in Malaysia for an overseas company, the overseas company will transfer the monthly salary to my local bank account via TT from overseas, is this income taxable in Malaysia? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If an employee receives a lucky draw prize from the company, does it need to be declared in the EA form?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Terry is earning business income and receives CP500, so he needs to pay his tax in advance by instalments. He then also started to working in a company, and his salary is subject monthly tax deduction (PCB). Both his income are now subjected to advance tax payment, is this correct? Which form should he use to file his income tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Many organizations are receiving donations via e-wallet. Are these donations eligible for tax deductions to the donors?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the petrol allowance given to employees by a company eligible for claiming tax deduction? Should this be declared in the employee's EA form as perquisites or benefit-in-kind (BIK)?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can a company claim 100% tax deduction for spending meals to its employees and their family members?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are the entertainment expenses incurred by a company for its agents eligible for claiming tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If we take our employees on a local trip and our company's financial year end is on 31 December 2022, do we need to make the payment and depart for the trip before end of December in order to qualify for tax deductions in Year of Assessment (YA) 2022?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I have purchased a house, do I need to submit income tax return form because I have made such purchase?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I rent out my company van and receive rental income. Can I claim capital allowance on the van?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I import a machine from overseas and the purchase price includes installation service, would the installation service be subjected to withholding tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If an estate of the deceased person receives interest income, is this income taxable? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the income of a deceased estate taxed at individual tax rates or any other tax rates? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the servicing fee for air conditioners of my rented out property eligible for claiming tax deduction against the rental income received?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have engaged a service provider to do pest control for my rented out property, can I claim tax deduction on the charges against the rental income received? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If we hire an overseas programmer to develop our software and he is staying in China. Is the technical fee charged by him subject to withholding tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is job vacancy posting on Facebook and Indeed subject to withholding tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: During a tax audit, would the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) accept scanned invoices and receipts as supporting documents? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Will the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) check back the previous years’ accounts of an inactive company?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: When should we prepare Form CP58?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: When should we pay the withholding tax to the Inland Revenue Board for payments made to non-residents?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a sole proprietor contributes both the employee and employer’s EPF portions for his salary, is he eligible to claim personal tax relief for both portions?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can company claim tax deduction for director's optical expenses?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have paid the course fees for my 3-year programme totaling RM 150,000 during the first year. Can I split the amount into 3 years while claiming the education fees relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have paid for a one-year newspaper subscription fee. The subscription period is from April 2021 to March 2022. Do I need to apportion the amount according to the year while claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the SST amount charged on internet subscription eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is prepaid plan for mobile phone eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am working overseas and I have already paid tax in foreign country, do I still need to pay tax in Malaysia for the income earned overseas?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a foreigner buys a property in Malaysia, is he required to pay tax when he sells off the property next time?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I book my accommodation through a third party booking platform (e.g. Agoda), is the receipt from this platform eligible for claiming the domestic tourism expenses relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the company sponsors flight ticket for staff to go back to hometown, is the flight ticket eligible for tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the Airbnb accommodation fee eligible for claiming the domestic tourism expenses relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I book a hotel room for 3 persons costing RM 3,000 and the cost is divided between the 3 of us but the receipt is only showing my name. Can each of us claim the domestic tourism expenses relief of RM 1,000?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are diving equipment and diving suit eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is hiking equipment (e.g. hiking stick) eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the expense for parents’ dental x-ray eligible for claiming tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can the invoice and receipt for condominium renovation be used to claim personal tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Does lifestyle relief include music and dancing classes?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the refinanced loan interest deductible against rental income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: We are paying a property agent commission when he brings client to our legal firm to sign Sales and Purchase Agreement. The agent is not employed by our firm. Is the referral fee considered as commission and do we need to issue Form CP58? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I am paying salary to a part time worker, should I issue Form EA or Form CP58 to him? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I was staying in my own property with furniture before I rent out the property. When the property was being rented out, I have replaced some existing furniture. Can I claim the furniture replacement cost as direct expense against my rental income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can I claim lifestyle relief for swimming suit, swimming cap and goggles?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is single-tier dividend received by a foreigner who is not a tax resident in Malaysia exempted from tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company’s shares are held by 2 non-SMEs (paid-up capital of more than RM 2.5 million) with 50% shareholding each, will this company be considered as an SME or a non-SME?

*SME – Small Medium Enterprise

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is there an age limit for the child for me to be eligible to claim tax relief for child’s medical insurance?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If company is buying medical insurance for a director, is the insurance premium tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am providing a part time accounting service and I have sub to a 3rd party and pay him wages. Can I deduct the expenses for the wages paid?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have a full time job and I am also providing part time accounting service but I did not register with SSM. May I know which income tax form should I file?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have 2 kids. I have registered an SSPN account for one kid under my name, whereas my husband registered another SSPN account for another kid under his name. If my husband did not claim tax relief for SSPN, can I claim tax relief for both the SSPN accounts?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is medical check-up eligible for tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I am paying professional membership subscription fees for 3 different professional bodies. Can I claim deduction for all 3 subscriptions?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: How do I make payment to LHDN for the withholding tax on digital advertising fee paid to a non-resident?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I only rent out the upper storey of a 2-storey shop lot, is the loan interest for the whole shop lot eligible for tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the quit rent late payment penalty eligible for tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the wife is paying for the medical insurance for her husband and son, can her husband claim the medical insurance tax relief if they opt for joint assessment?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Who is eligible to claim spouse relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: As a tax resident individual, when is the deadline to file tax return form?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can the company declare dividends if the company is making loss during the year?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: What is the tax treatment to a director for receiving director’s allowance and director’s fee from a Sdn Bhd?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is fixed deposit interest earned by a company or an individual subject to tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Does single-tier dividend apply to foreign shareholder?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is director’s fee subject to EPF and monthly tax deduction (MTD)?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: For SSPN, if I put in RM 3,000 in one year and also withdraw RM 1,000 within the same year, is the RM 2,000 balance eligible for tax relief?

How about if I only put in RM 1,000 in the year and withdraw RM 3,000 within the same year, do I need to pay tax for the RM 2,000 difference?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a sole proprietor is contributing EPF for his salary, is the employer’s portion of the EPF contribution tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can salesman commission income as declared in Form CP58 be reported in Form BE? The salesman has no other income.

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: For rental income, if one property is making profit and the other property is suffering loss, can the rental loss be offset against the rental income? If can, must the properties be of the same type? E.g. Residential property with residential property; commercial property with commercial property.

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are donations made to charity foundation tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the registration fee for virtual run eligible for lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is TV package subscription fee eligible for lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is chiropractic treatment eligible for any tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can I claim personal tax relief for the tuition fee for my 17 years old son?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is medical equipment for measuring blood pressure eligible for personal tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is high end printer eligible for lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the purchase of COVID-19 self-test kit from Lazada does not have a proper invoice, but with only payment proof from Lazada at the time of purchase, is this purchase eligible for tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company is giving condolence money to customer and the company’s name will be posted in newspaper, is the condolence money tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a Malaysian employee goes for an overseas business trip for 2 weeks and causes him to be in Malaysia for less than 182 consecutive days, will this affect him to be a non-tax resident?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: How much child relief can I claim for Year of Assessment 2021 if my child is above 18 years old, just finished his SPM in March 2021 and enrolled in a diploma programme in a local college in July 2021? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a medical check-up consists of blood and urine tests only, is it considered as a full body medical check-up?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: To claim lifestyle relief for computer, does it mean that one has to purchase a whole set? Such as purchasing CPU, monitor, mouse and keyboard? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a foreigner receives income in Malaysia, can he claim wife and child reliefs if his family is staying overseas?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I have opted for joint assessment for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2021, is there any issue in future if I opt for separate assessment for YA 2022 if my spouse’s income has increased?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is foundation programme considered as a diploma programme?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I am working for an Australian company in Malaysia but the salary is paid to my bank account in Australia in AUD currency. Is my income taxable in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Sammie is undertaking a Degree course but she is running her own online business. Can her father still claim child relief of RM8,000?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is purchase of smart watch eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a father’s operation fee is RM 30,000 but the insurance coverage is only RM 12,000.  The balance of RM 18,000 was paid by his son and daughter. Can each of his son and daughter claim the parents’ medical expenses tax relief of RM 8,000 for the balance amount paid? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company rents a car from a car rental company on yearly basis for staff usage, is this car considered as a benefit-in-kind (BIK) for the staff?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: May I know if the staff claim from company for the purchase of spectacles, can the company claim for tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the tenant incurred building maintenance cost such as repair of roof leaking, painting or change of tiling due to breakage, can the tenant claim tax deduction under upkeep of building?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I send my children to kindergarten and the school fee includes books. Can I claim tax relief for the books purchased from kindergarten under lifestyle relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: PCR and RTK COVID-19 detection tests, which one is eligible to claim double tax deduction under company’s expense? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is purchase of face masks eligible for personal tax relief under medical expenses?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I buy medical insurance for my mother, can I claim tax relief on the insurance premium paid?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can internet subscription be considered as direct expense for rental income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is there any age restriction for child when claiming the SSPN tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Amanda's son just purchased a laptop, and the invoice was issued under her son’s name. Can Amanda claim lifestyle relief with this invoice?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I have signed up for 1-year yoga class in Year 2021, am I eligible for the additional lifestyle relief for sports related activities?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Kenny purchases medicines and supplements such as warfarin, calcium and vitamins from a pharmacy because he needs these medicines and supplements after his coronary bypass surgery. Can he claim the tax relief for medical expenses for serious disease?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If motor vehicles were registered under the name of director, but held in trust on behalf of the company, are the insurance and road tax payments made by the company eligible for tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: A company is selling a membership plan and a free gift without business logo will be given for new member. Is the free gift eligible for tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the company’s business nature is film and video production, is it subject to SST?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Bonus payable for Year of Assessment (YA) 2021 shall be declared in Form E of Year 2021 or in Form E of Year 2022 if it is paid in Year 2022? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company sells cash voucher to client, is it subject to SST?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company applied for bank loan moratorium last year and the interest charged is close to RM1 million. Is this bank loan interest tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company purchases gift voucher to be given as a reward to customers when the customers have purchased certain amount of product from the company, is this expense tax deductible? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is it required to issue Form CP58 for contractor wages (not commission/not agent)?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is it required to declare medical insurance premium paid by the company in staff’s Form EA?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Andy has received insurance compensation from insurance company due to a car accident. He has no income since accident happened, now he wants to use the compensation money to buy a car. Will he be taxed for buying a car with the compensation money?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: How much personal tax relief can I claim if my child is undertaking a Foundation course in a university?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the receipt of parents’ medical expense is issued under parents’ name, am I eligible to claim the personal tax relief under medical expenses for parents?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can a pregnant woman claim personal tax relief under medical expense for serious disease on the medical fee incurred for miscarriage?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is eye specialist consultation fee eligible for personal tax relief under medical expense for serious disease?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If company pays cash for unutilized annual leave, is it taxable for staff?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Emma purchases books for her children. Can she claim the books purchased as lifestyle relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is Covid-19 test kit eligible for double deduction under company expense?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the entrance or rental fee for sports activities eligible to claim lifestyle relief?

(e.g. ice skating entrance fee and badminton court rental fee)

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Chris purchase a laptop in overseas for his child who is studying abroad, can he use the invoice which is billed in foreign currency to claim lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is ice skating a recognized sports activity eligible for lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Charles' education fee is subsidised by his company, is he still eligible to claim the education fee tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Tony's mother receives RM 30,000 pension every year, can he claim the parent care relief for his mother?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the purchase of bicycle equipment such as helmet, knee pad, wheel considered as sports equipment for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are the medicines for diabetes and hypertension eligible to be claimed under tax relief for medical expenses for serious disease? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I purchase an iPad with accessories such as Apple Pencil and keyboard, can I claim lifestyle relief for the whole amount? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I have made annual payment for my gym membership and the period is from 1 November 2021 to 31 October 2022, can I claim lifestyle relief for Year of Assessment (YA) 2021? Do I need to prorate the annual subscription fee? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Company ABC is sponsoring COVID-19 screening cost for employees and purchases Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks and hand sanitizers for workplace use. Are these expenses eligible for tax deduction for Company ABC?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I transfer commission to a referrer via bank transfer, how should I prove that this commission is genuine if I could not get the recipient’s I/C number and signature? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have a 22-year old unmarried child, he is working during weekday with a monthly salary of RM 1,200. He is attending a skill training programme in a college during weekends. Am I eligible to claim the RM 8,000 child relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have 2 children, if my husband and I open an SSPN account for each child separately, can both of us claim the tax relief of RM8,000 separately in our tax return?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Mr Lee wants to transfer his real property to his child. Is there any difference between transferring the property to his child directly and transferring to a trust? Is stamp duty required to be paid?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If company is buying a used car from another person, is the purchase tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are the legal expenses incurred in suing a staff for stealing company’s customer data tax deductible? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Marvin has already claimed the medical expenses for critical illness from the insurance company, can he still claim tax relief for such medical expenses in his personal income tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Jason is working overseas, and he has a property in Malaysia. If he wants to remit the money from his overseas bank account to repay his loan instalment, is he required to declare the remitted money as taxable income in Malaysia?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: A company overpaid the supplier, if the company wants to write off the overpaid amount as expense, is this expense tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company buys insurance for staff, the policy owner is the staff and the beneficiary is his family member. Is the premium paid by the company tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can loan interest be considered as incidental cost in the calculation of Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT)?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: For parent’s medical expenses relief, must it be a critical illness to be eligible? How about normal flu and cough?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is personal trainer fee from gym eligible for claiming lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: As only replacement of furniture can be claimed for tax deduction against rental income, how to prove that the purchase of furniture is a replacement?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have rented out a terrace house, can I claim tax deduction for grass cutting and home cleaning services against the rental income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I sign up for an app and make payment through a local telecommunication company. Do I need to pay withholding tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are the wages paid to casual workers required to be filled in Form E?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can I get tax deduction if I sponsor for my employee's study?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If company gives meal allowance to staff, can this be tax exempted for the staff? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are the professional fees charged by tax agent on tax audit consultation and preparation of transfer pricing documents tax deductible? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the annual tax filing fee tax deductible? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Should I prepare Form CP58 to employees who receive commission?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Do I need to prepare Form CP58 for a one-time commission?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I use digital advertisement to promote my business and I outsource it to an advertising agency to help my company to manage the advertisement, they have charged my company a retainer fee, is the fee tax deductible? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Do I need to pay withholding tax for digital advertising fee?

If I did not make payment for withholding tax, is the advertising fee tax deductible? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Do I need to prepare accounts for rental income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can water and electricity charges be offset against rental income? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: How to indicate that the entertainment expense is for staff? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: A retail company wants to donate goods worth RM1000 to a person who needs them. Can the company claim tax deduction? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I have never filed a tax return before and I want to file tax now, do I need to file for previous years?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: May I know what is Tax Identification Number (TIN)? How to obtain?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the RM 6,000 tax exempt travelling allowance applicable to a Managing Director?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is fixed monthly travelling allowance entitled for the tax exemption of up to RM 6,000?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the cost of lion dance performance eligible for claiming tax deduction? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is farewell lunch or dinner eligible to get 100% tax deduction? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are weekend entertainment expenses eligible for claiming tax deductions?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: A director had lunch with a staff, but the staff has family relationship with the director, is the lunch eligible to claim 100% tax deduction as staff entertainment?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: How to claim tax deduction for the membership fee paid for professional qualification?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Jane is pursuing ACCA qualification, can she claim the education fee relief for the fees paid? For example, registration fee, exemption fee, exam fee, tuition fee, material fee and annual subscription fee.

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are kindergarten fees eligible for claiming personal tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: A father owns a property, but he rented out the property to his son and signed a tenancy agreement. Is this approach correct?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a Malaysian company pays advertising fee to a local social media influencer, can the company claim this expense for tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I change my tax submission from using Form BE to Form B, should I change my tax file prefix from SG to OG by myself?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have bought a company car in Year 2018, but I did not report benefit-in-kind (BIK) in my income tax return for Years of Assessment (YAs) 2018 and 2019, can I declare the BIK amount in Year of Assessment 2020? What are the consequences of not reporting the BIK in YAs 2018 & 2019? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Mimi has purchased a handphone in Year 2020 but did not claim the lifestyle relief in Year of Assessment (YA) 2020, can she claim in YA 2021?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My net rental income for Year of Assessment 2019 is negative (rental loss), can I carry forward the rental loss to the next year? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Tom has 3 investment properties, one of the properties has incurred rental loss in the Year of Assessment 2020, can he contra the rental loss with other properties which are with rental gain?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can I claim lifestyle relief for ebook and eNewspaper? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the mobile phone bill has detailed breakdown for talk time and data plan charges, can the data plan portion be eligible for lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Edwin‘s golf club subscription includes gym facilities access, can he claim lifestyle relief for his golf club membership fee?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I’m staying in Malaysia but I purchased life insurance from Singapore, can I claim the insurance relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Ken has purchased a new laptop amounting RM 4,000 for personal use on 10 August 2020 and there is only one receipt. In his income tax return for Year of Assessment 2020, can he claim RM 1,500 under lifestyle relief and RM 2,500 under the special additional lifestyle relief for the purchase of smartphone/tablet/personal computer? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can I claim lifestyle relief for the purchase of new smartphone/tablet/personal computer every year? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a director has not received the accrued director fee, is the director fee taxable?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can a company claim tax deduction for the accrued directors fees declared?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: I have 3 siblings. Can all of us claim our mum’s medical expenses under personal tax relief? If she is staying in a retirement home now, can we claim tax relief for the monthly fee?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Sasa’s mother passed away in February 2020, can she still claim the parent relief of RM 1,500 in her individual tax submission for the Year of Assessment 2020? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If I make an online bank transfer using my company’s bank account to an existing customer to sponsor their company annual dinner and they have provided supporting documentation for the sponsor. Can my company claim tax deduction for the sponsored amount? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is company trip tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: A Malaysian who is working overseas without a tax file number has sold his real property in Malaysia. Does this person need to register a tax file number? After registering a tax file number (if needed), does this person need to file an income tax return form annually even though this person is working overseas?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: My company has received financial assistance of RM 600 per month from Wage Subsidy Programme (WSP) in May 2020, is this amount taxable? I have paid the amount to my staff as part of his salary within 7 days, can my company claim tax deduction for this amount paid? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is condolence given to customers tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is traditional Chinese medicine/supplement eligible to claim relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Andy uses the government subsidy/allowance to repay the company's expenses, are the expenses tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: For government servants who apply for early retirement, do they need to declare the gratuities received?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is EIS taxable?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Do I need to declare the profit earned from unit trust?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Teddy revises his previous tax submission, will he be audited?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Cindy is employed by a foreign company but exercises her employment in Malaysia, does she need to file Form BE?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If my child has started working, can I still claim the medical insurance relief under my tax file?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If my child graduated from a university in June then he started working within the same year, can I still claim the RM 8,000 child relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can a retired person claim EPF tax relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a self-employed person contributes EPF, can he/she claim the EPF tax relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company is paying monthly parking fee for staff, can the company claim tax deduction? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a company is giving gift voucher and hamper to an existing customer, can the company claim tax deduction?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Karen has no income for the year of assessment (i.e. no employment and other types of income), does she need to file her income tax return?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Can Steven choose not to stamp his tenancy agreement if he rents out an apartment? If there is no official stamped Tenancy Agreement, is he obliged to declare his rental income?  

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Are tenancy agreement fee and stamping fee eligible to be claimed as direct expenses for rental income? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is property agent’s commission eligible to be claimed as a direct expense for rental income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a staff uses the medical benefit given by company to buy health supplements and equipment like hearing aids, will the medical benefit be tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is there a limit to the medical benefit that a Sdn Bhd can give to their staff and family?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Recently we have purchased medical equipment and medical face mask from overseas, but purchases from overseas such as Taobao has no actual invoice from the supplier, so can we take these purchases into our accounts?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: What is the tax treatment for advance rental, rental deposit and utility deposit? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Bob’s insurance policy consists of life and medical insurance, how should he claim the tax relief for life insurance and the tax relief for medical insurance?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Andrew signs up for a mobile data plan and at the same time, he also purchases a handphone by paying an additional RM 100 per month, can he claim the additional RM 100 as the purchase of handphone for lifestyle relief?    

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Company ABC hires foreign workers, but the permit of the foreign workers is registered under another company, does Company ABC need to report the salary paid to these foreign workers in Form E?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If the director only receives director’s fee, does it need to be reported in Form E? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: For the education fees relief of RM7,000, does it include online courses such as shares and options trading, online marketing, property investments, etc?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is the cash won from winning the lottery taxable? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Connie has been residing in Singapore since Year 2020 due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. Her number of days in Malaysia for Year 2020 was only 70 days. Is she still considered as a tax resident for Year of Assessment 2020? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Gary purchases a mobile phone under an instalment plan, can he claim the mobile phone under lifestyle relief? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is telco plan subscription eligible for lifestyle relief?

Read More


Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Company ABC purchased goods from China supplier and received an invoice written in Chinese, is this invoice valid? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a supplier is unable to provide a valid sales invoice, how should the company prove that the transaction is valid?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Company JKL deposits part of a bank loan into fixed deposit, is there any issue to take note?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If Company ABC take a business loan and lend it to a director, will there be any interest restriction?  

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is furniture purchased for tenant considered as direct expense? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a newly acquired sub-sale property requires repair works, would the repair costs incurred be tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Badminton game expenses: badminton court rental fee, shuttlecock, badminton racquet. Are these badminton expenses eligible to be claimed as lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is yoga class fee eligible to be claimed as lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a property belongs to an individual, but the loan is under a company's name. Would the rental income be reported under the individual's income tax?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: If a property belongs to A & B as stated in the Sales and Purchase Agreement, but only A is stated in the rental agreement as the landlord, would the rental income only be declared as A's income?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is bicycle eligible to be claimed as lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah!

Q: Is bicycle trainer set eligible to be claimed as lifestyle relief?

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Tax questions? You ask lah! 

Q: If a property rented out is vacant for 4 months, would the loan interest, management fees and other rental expenses incurred during the vacant period be tax deductible?

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Tax questions? You ask lah! 

Q: If a property has only been rented out for 9 months in the first year, would the direct expenses incurred be calculated proportionately? 

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Tax questions? You ask lah! 

Q: If a husband is paying for his wife's life insurance premium, can his wife claim tax relief?

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Updates on Income Tax Exemptions & Deductions + Amendment on Service Tax Policies

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Tax Deduction for Secretarial and Tax Filing Fee

Effective year of assessment 2020, tax deduction allowed up to maximum of RM15,000 per year for secretarial and tax filing fees. 

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Special Tax Deduction on Rental Reduction

A special tax deduction was introduced in the earlier Economic Stimulus Package for landlords who reduce at least 30% rental on business premises rented to SME tenants, for period of April 2020 to June 2020.
This special deduction has been extended to 30th September 2020 as announced in the Short-Term Economic Recovery Plan (PENJANA).

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25% Reduction for Foreign Worker Levy

Levy fees payable for the renewal of visit pass which expires on any date from 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2020 are remitted by 25%.

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Taxable & Exempted Employment Income

  • Source of employment income
  • Taxable employment income
  • Tax exempted employment income
  • Basis year and basis period

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Form E Submission Criteria You Need to Know

Did you notice that Sdn Bhd are required to file Form E irrespective active or dormant, with or without employees? 

In fact, the biggest problem is that many companies are not aware that they have met the criteria to submit a Form E. Companies who have employees, issued salary or registered an E-filing number are required to file a Form E. 

Watch out these grey zones to avoid hefty penalties!

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TAX - a quick check on whether you should file Form E and CP8D

  • A quick check on whether your company should file Form E
  • Deadlines for Submission of Form E
  • A quick check on whether you need to fill in CP8D

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What Employers Must Know About Form E Submission?

Deadlines for Employers

  • eData Praisi - Closing on 22 February 2017
  • Form EA - Must prepare and provide to all employees by 28 February 2017
  • Form CP58 - Not later than 31 March of the following year in which the incentives were paid

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Have You Submitted Form E?

March is where the season of tax submission begins. All Malaysian businesses irregardless of large, medium or small companies are held to submit a Form E to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) by the end of this month.

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