2023 Budget Highlights | 2023年财政预算案重点


The government on Friday announced an RM372.34 billion expansionary Budget for 2023. The national Budget comprises RM272.34 billion in operating expenditure and RM95 billion in development expenditure.


 For Business     企业篇

1)Reduce SME income tax rate from 17% to 15% for the first RM100,000 income range benefitting 150,000 SME Taxpayers.

2)100% stamp duty exemption for structuring/rescheduling of loans/financing until 2024

3)Socso to provide incentives for employers to hire the disabled, Orang Asli, ex-convicts and women returning to work. The incentive amounting to RM 600 to RM 750 a month will be given for 3 months per employee
3)雇主聘请残疾人士、原住民、前囚犯和重返职场的女性,每月可获600至750令吉 补贴,为期3个月

4)RM750 million allocation for HRD Corp to upskill 800,000 workers.
4)人力资源发展机构(HRD Corp)将提供7亿5000万令吉,为超过80万工人提供技能培训,以提高生产力和收入机会

5)Additional tax deductions for employers who hire former residents of juvenile detention centres

6)One-off RM1 billion grant to all registered MSMEs and taxi drivers to benefit 1 million recipients

7)RM45 billion Semarak Niaga funds for entrepreneurs

8)RM200 million for Chinese SME Financing scheme with rate as low as 4%

9)RM10 billion BNM fund allocation for SMEs (including automation and digitisation)

10)100% stamp duty exemption for structuring/rescheduling of loans/financing until 2024

11)Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan Bhd (SJPP) provide RM9 billion financing guarantee for SMEs (including agrifood, leading technology, tourism & oil and gas)
11)企业融资担保有限公司(SJPP) 将为中小企业提供高达90亿令吉的融资担保,特别是为战略领域如农业食品、可持续技术、旅游业、石油和天然气供应商,这将有助于中小企业获得新融资

12)RM1 billion to fund agro-food under BNM scheme

13)RM1 billion impact fund, where RM230 million will be invested in the field of digitalisation and high technology to support start-up companies
13)10 亿令吉注资予Dana Impak;2亿3000万令吉投资于本地持有的高科技公司

14)RM50 million allocated to Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd
14)拨款5000万令吉予摇篮基金私人有限公司(Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd)

For Individuals      个人篇

1)Reduce Personal Income tax rate by 2%, from 13% to 11% for income range RM50,001 – RM70,000

2)Reduce Personal Income tax rate by 2%, from 21% to 19% for income range RM 70,001 - RM 100,000

3)Special Funding initiatives for Youth Entrepreneur up to RM 305 Million through SME Bank, TEKUN, MARA, BSN and Agrobank
3)为了鼓励更多青年创业,政府透过中小型企业银行(SME Bank)、国家创业集团商业基金(TEKUN)、人民信托基金会(MARA)、国民储蓄银行(BSN)和农业银行(Agrobank)拨款3亿零500万令吉,供青年申请特别贷款

4)Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia (BKM) cash assistance RM 2,500 for a household income of RM2,500 and has 5 children

5)PERKESO Mobility Assistance (RM500 for those residing out of State, and RM1,000 for those from Sabah and Sarawak to the Peninsular Malaysia and vice versa)

6)RM6.7 billion for Pendidikan & Latihan Teknikal & Vokasional (TVET) training and education while implementing various initiatives and empower TVET

7)Up to 20% discounts for PTPTN full repayment from Nov 1, 2022 to Apr 30, 2023. 15% for settlement (50% of the balance debt), and 15% for payment by salary deduction
7)从2022年11月1日 至 2023年4月30日,偿还PTPTN贷款给予折扣:

8)Stamp duty exemption for house price range RM500,001-RM 1 million increase from 50% to 75% until 31 December 2023 to encourage first time home ownership

9)RM25 million incentive for local travel. Rebate of up to RM100 in the form of discounts and vouchers for accommodation, tourism packages, handicraft & artworks

10)RM734 million for MySalam programme. This will benefit 1.5 million people from the B40 group

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